AI Decodes the System

AI News of the Week - September 1, 2023

Marcy Neulle Season 2 Episode 38

Welcome to AI Decodes the System, the podcast where we delve into the intricate worlds of data, policy, technology (artificial intelligence), and law for everyone to comprehend. I am your host, Amber Ivey, affectionately known as AI. In today's episode, we are thrilled to have a discussion with Marcy Nuelle, a brilliant researcher and renowned YouTuber, leading major faceless YouTube channels and emerging as your definitive source for AI insights. We're positioning ourselves as the go-to authorities in AI.

AI News Of The Week Update. We are covering topics such as ChatGPT, PortfolioPilot, an AI-powered investment platform by Global Predictions, and more Artificial Intelligence topics.

Make sure to checkout my cohost  @MarcyNuelle for additional AI updates
We are your Go To Girls for AI.

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AI News Of The Week:
There are a lot of updates today and we got through a lot of them with less banter. Check out the pod and let us know what you think!

Don't forget to follow Marcy Neulle and AI Decodes the System on YouTube, and stay tuned for more enlightening discussions on the intersection of AI, data, technology, policy, and law.

Guest: Marcy Nuelle

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It's another week and I'm back with you for Ai news of the week with Marcy Neel and amber ivy aka ai we're super excited to chat with y'all about some of the latest developments in the world of Ai.

Marcy Nuelle
That is.

It's likely gonna be a shorter podcast or shorter Youtube wherever you're watching this um because it's not as much happening this week with still some notable things that we want to talk about all right Marcy kick us off.

Marcy Nuelle
All right? So of course I'm going to start with one of my favorite finds and that's with a website called Adogram and I absolutely love it. So it's you can think about it like a text to image tool. But what makes this one different is that that you.


Marcy Nuelle
Is that you can write text I'm stuttering because I'm too excited. So basically it it's as simple as just putting. Let's say the word hey I see a cute little robot and then you can put the word saying and then in quotation marks.


Marcy Nuelle
But the quote that you actually wanted to say that's how I found that I get the best results so that the system actually says this is the difference between the prompt versus the word that you actually want to show up in the image so just wanted to give you guys that little tip but it makes amazing.

Oh nice.

Okay, got it and let me say something about this part. Oh yeah, cool. The 1 thing for folks who don't use um some of the text to Ai image. Um software tools like mid journey stable diffusion others that exist right now those tools.

Marcy Nuelle
And then people.

Struggle with creating words. So like for example, if I put in a prompt about maybe a cartoon so script what you'll see is very weird symbols that look like words so this is one of the first tools that we've seen that actually can get the words right. Um, because some of the ai tools still get things wrong like fingers ears. You'll see detached earlobes. You'll see 6 fingers or fingers not done the same way as well as words. Um, so we're super excited about this because now we can hit words and those beautiful images that y'all are making so now you definitely will find it find it very hard to figure out if a human made it or not. Versus Ai.

Marcy Nuelle
Yeah, and just a few more things so we always want to do like the pros and cons. So of course I had to compare it to mid-journey so I would say that some of the resolution For example, like the facial features and some of the details.


Marcy Nuelle
They're not as good as me journey I'm gonna do a more extensive review on ideogram I'll post that later today on my channel on Youtube but mid-joney still wins I think as far as the hyper realistic photography styles.


Marcy Nuelle
Because you're gonna get more clarity Iss gonna be more definition. It's gonna look more like photography but with Idogram I mean it's it's up there. You guys know I talk every day I I mean every week about midjourney I mean it's really up there So I'm excited to see as they improve the quality of it.


Marcy Nuelle
Um, I've seen people making stickers with it. Um, even celebrities and cartoons which we know that a lot of other sites. They're not making as high of the resemblance when they put in those type of you know.

That's a good idea.


Marcy Nuelle
Names of people unless you're like doing it locally and you're using like something that allows you to do everything on the back end. But so this is really an amazing tool and right now it is for personal use. They did say it's not for commercial use. Um, they have made other announcements that I don't know exactly what they mean yet. But.

Um, right.

Marcy Nuelle
Do whatever you want with it. But right now the terms and conditions do say it is for personal use. Whatever you do on your end as your choice but at least play with it. It is free and it's unlimited so you can make all the images that you want I mean like if you're making social media content like just for yourself to promote yourself or like to make memes or.

Oh that's great, right.

Marcy Nuelle
I mean it is or even get inspiration to do other things I mean or even like how I'm using it like you can make Youtube thumbnails with it. Um, and you can do basically other type of artwork in order to promote yourself online. So.

Oh yeah I mean.

Oh yeah.

Marcy Nuelle
The fact that it creates an Ai you know, even with like 3 d text I mean it's amazing like just stay tuned for that review I do later and then you're gonna get way more insight on it as far as equality. So um, next up.

I Love it.

Marcy Nuelle
Just kind of like a little fun thing I didn't even write a name I Just saw an article I I thought that was really really interesting is that they said that a neural network. Um, they had like a drone and that it beat out the person. So for me I was just like I'm just thinking about all the different applications.


Marcy Nuelle
That using drones and you know even for safety or even getting people help you know, um like when they're in remote locations and it's dangerous like let's say somebody fell down a well and they needed the extra rope or they needed a tool to get out.


Oh yeah, all right or water food stuff that a human can't make man to be able to get there to them sooner. You can probably send this thing in at least give them what they need to stay alive.

Marcy Nuelle
Like even using these kind of tools.

Marcy Nuelle
Exactly So I was just like Wow So not. It's not just about speed but because Drones can be so small or little Bots you know like where they can get into places like you said I mean it's just it just really motivated me to see.

Oh yeah.

Marcy Nuelle
How many more lives are going to be saved with using these Ai tools. You know I always just like to look at the other side. You know, always say it's not just about cute stuff people you know making funny images. It's like no what are the real world applications. So I just really um I mean it's a little nerve wracking sometimes.

And um.

Oh yeah, okay.

Marcy Nuelle
You know how things are becoming so much better than us. But at the same time. It's like Wow. No we if we use it in the right way. It can be really helpful to the rest of us. Yeah.

And isn't that like any good parent to his child. You want it to be better than you So to me that's the way I look at Ai like humans still created it but we want it to be better. So It can progress society So all amazing things can happen right? We're just not a stagnant. Society So I Love it.

Marcy Nuelle
Yeah, me too I agree the next thing um back to something a little bit deeper. But um, if you guys don't know I've said it several times you know as a research scientist One of the most important. Um, aspects for me is accuracy when we're dealing with large language models and being able to access information now. So We do have to talk about openai and chat gpt because now we're starting to see more plugins and created and now there are a higher number of research plugins.


Okay, okay.

Marcy Nuelle
And many people are thinking oh I can actually use this for research now I can use this for school or work. Well I have to point out something that most people have missed because if you're not in a field of research, you're not going to understand what's going on so public research libraries most of them. Have a paywall. Okay, you'll get a small glimpse of the article. You don't get the full article. So a lot of these plugins. They're connecting you to the public databases that don't have the full research so you might get a quote. But because you don't have access to the full research. You don't know if through the trial and error through the testing in the conclusion in the limitations if it was actually saying the opposite results of the quote that you're using because you don't have excuse me because you don't have access to the full article. So for example, if you are in school you know, like with the efsschool library. You're going to have access to the entire article the research and you can find it easier that way. So for me to be honest, the ultimate solution is when is when companies like chat Gpt partner up with educational institutions. Like Ebsco to have full access to the library and maybe that would be accessible to paid members. You know like gp 4 and up um in order to have access to these full libraries because unfortunately people are believing that hey if I just.

Marcy Nuelle
Use this research plugging I'm getting everything that's factually evident and it's like sorry you're not because even though it's giving you a quote you're not, You're still not getting the full information because you're still behind a paywall. So um, you need to read the entire article people. You can't just you know take a quote. Out of a paper and then not understanding the conclusion of that Research. So I think that's something important that people need to keep in mind when they're using these tools.

Yeah I'm all for opening up research to the general population because right now like you said it is behind a pay wall so you often only see like the front page of that and then people will quote the front page but they didn't go into detail. So if Ai can help with that I'm totally interested to see where that goes.

Marcy Nuelle
Yeah I mean I really hope like the the ebsco library really starts I mean to me that would be like 1 of the most perfect partnerships especially because you know you can access research from you know, global resources so that would bring. Um, a higher level of what I would say would be acceptable. You know, but sometimes when you don't understand the backend or the details people think oh this is great and it's amazing and I'm looking at it like but did you read the conclusion what you said was proven wrong like it makes.


Marcy Nuelle
Your entire research wrongs like what are you talking about? So if you and I say this because so many people are going to get in bad situations with their business. They're not going to maybe give proper information and so if they're embarrassed and proven wrong later on they're going to say well I found this on a research plugin. Um, and I'm like well did you see the conclusion and if they didn't they're they're not going to um, have anybody to blame but themselves because they trusted a company that did not tell them that.

And yeah, there's one. Yeah, there's 1 big piece of research I will not say it on this podcast if you want to know come on my Instagram or anywhere and ask me but there's 1 piece of research that's been so misquoted so wrong. I thought it was real because literally major news cycles picked it up picked picked it up and all this stuff then when I read the actual data I was like the first person who interpreted interpreted wrong and literally to this day people say the stat and is totally incorrect again. I'm not going to say what it is here on this here conversation if you want to know you need to directly contact me and then I maybe tell you.

Marcy Nuelle

Um, but literally everyone says it and I'm sitting there like that's not true because someone messed up and did not look at the data the right way. So.

Marcy Nuelle
Can I mention 1 research that I absolutely hate I mean you guys know I'm an optimist but you know I love a little I love I do love I do love bringing the truth to the forefront on.

You are you.

Oh God go ahead.

Marcy Nuelle
So there's 1 research that I have found you have to I don't even know what yours is but I'm gonna go look I'm gonna I'm gonna find out too. Yeah, so there are a lot of entrepreneurs who always say oh you're being dumb down because you have a short attention span.

I'll tell you after.

Marcy Nuelle
Because they quoted a misquoted I should say a research article that was ah launched by Microsoft the article literally says the opposite. It's saying and I always try to explain to people. It's not that you are being dumbed down. It's no, it's saying that your attention has been optimized which means that you now because you have been exposed to so much media so many ads you have now been trained to know exactly what you like you know the frequencies of the songs that you enjoy. You know the color palettes that fit with you. You understand the type of individuals that you're attracted to you understand the tonality of the ah male or female individuals that you like so when you are scrolling through hundreds of posts. You don't even have to waste your time anymore. So you are not being dumbed down. You have been elevated. You are now more intelligent as far as knowing what you like what you enjoy the type of even with comedy like right away somebody says a certain word you already know oh I like this I don't like this I'm going to scroll away.


Marcy Nuelle
So it's not about this whole 3 second to 6 second. Oh my god we have a short attention span. So please people stop lying to people and saying that that's not true if you didn't even take the time to read the research. Um, you're a terrible entrepreneur. You need to stop lying to people and because it's true I'm sorry. If you're gonna tell people they're being dumb I'm going to insult you back because stop blind to people. They are not dumb down. They're intelligent. They're brilliant and if you are around entrepreneurs that tell you this I'm gonna need for you to block them I'm gonna need for you stop speaking to them because they're liars and manipulators.


Marcy Nuelle
Want to make you feel stupid so that they can exploit you for profit. Okay, that's I'll be done with that. But you're smarter than what these people try to tell you that you are and lift to your full capacity and stop listening to these people try to put you down So that's my motivational moments.

Um I with that but I also have a shorter attention sp I have I Made H D So I don't have time but I do like that that I do like the I'm just being honest, not gonna lie to you but I do like that What the way you framed it I think that's important that around if people are saying like.

Marcy Nuelle
I think I think if I but like.

You're not smart enough to do that? Yeah, no one should be telling someone that but around like that makes sense that we become more efficient processors and you're getting Um, you're quickly saying what I don't like so you're scrolling really quick and you know what makes your endorphins or whatever happens in the brain or whatever I don't know what that means I haven't done that research before.

Marcy Nuelle
Exactly please.

Whatever makes you get to what you want to get to I'm totally here for that. But my attention span is 3 to 5 seconds

Marcy Nuelle
This between the.

Marcy Nuelle
Well, ah we can do a session we can do a session another Dave you will allow me I'll analyze that we'll see we'll see we've been working on it lately.

That's a conversation for another day.

I'm not gonna change my tinker man I'm not I don't want to even care about nothing that long Anyway, sorry for.

Marcy Nuelle
Um, um, don't worry people. She'll she'll come to my sides and um I.

Okay, those listening already know the answer to that.

Marcy Nuelle
Look more of me in this world would be better.

Are was I'm I'm fine or more I'll just say I I'm I'm I'm I'm okay with my 5 seconds but anyway what's next.

Marcy Nuelle
Um, all right? So next up just another quick update with Runway M O they release a 3 D capture feature which are similar to like nerves which stand for neural Radiance field. Um, basically just think about taking a 2 D image and then turning it to 3 D and then you're able to create an an environment. So The fact that they're making it easier.

Oh okay, got it is that the one that's not the one that's taking in the images making videos right? Oh that it is that one. Okay I call that one a couple weeks ago

Marcy Nuelle
Yeah, it is so yes, yeah, so you would go to you can get like an image from mid journey and then you put it into Runway Ml and then you turn that into a video and now what they're trying to do is then take that two D image.


Marcy Nuelle
And and try to turn into more of like a 3 d image. So like with a 3 d environment.

Yeah, that that would be crazy if folks are out here creating mid journey shorts using these Ai tools that's going to be very interesting.

Marcy Nuelle
I mean they already do they're fun. So I have to post some more of those. But yeah, it's a great thing. Um, the next one I know I'm gonna probably say this name wrong I'm not sure, but it's called it's from meta a I I think it's Billy. Belly belly or Billy Billy I don't know um, but basically it's a multilingual reading comprehension data set spanning 102 language variance. Um, so just another model another data set of the day. Um.


Marcy Nuelle
Help with accessing different people from around the world. Add that to another model. So it's B E L E B E L E So it's just it's like the same word twice. Yeah, you guys have to look that up. So but.

How do you spell that one for folks listening or watching. Okay I think is that Belly Bell yeah yeah I think it's Bella Bell I maybe wrong belly belly or something like that I don't remember I feel like I've heard someone say the name. It's the only reason why when you spell that I'm like oh I've heard someone actually say that but I don't remember either.

Marcy Nuelle
Another thing to look up I'm not sure. Um.

How to say it.

Marcy Nuelle
Um, and then the next one we have um we want to talk about portfolio pilot and they are the first Scc Regulated Ai Financial advisor so I mean that's blowing my mind. We see how like you I think you're you're the one that told me about um, like you said like 500 or percent increase in their investment in different companies when they're using ai software so with companies like this.

500% um return yep

Marcy Nuelle
Yeah, so I mean that's amazing. So I don't want to talk too much on that because I haven't found too much research on it but I did wanted to bring it to people's um, attention as far as what's going on in the financial sector as far as Ai so um.

Marcy Nuelle
Ah, next up we have a just to bring attention. Okay, yeah.

Let me, um, jump in on that one really quick so I did look at the article on that one so portfolio pilot what it says is that um the platform is created by a company called global predictions isn't that an interesting name and is registered register as a financial advisor. Just reminder that folks have to be registered to get financial advice so make sure y'all again financial advice from folks who are registered um but it is the first non-human entity to do this the platform right now just based on what the website um said is that it's a combination of Ai and a proprietary economic insight engine. It provides users with up to date information portfolio overhauls ai equity searches and fee optimization tools for folks who are trading you do get fee. You're paying fees and things like that. So it's helping there I wanna look into more and maybe we talk about next week to see how deep it really gets cause right now. Um.

Marcy Nuelle
Um, like pregnant.

It sounds like it's real basic. It doesn't sound like it's what I thought it was like in my mind I thought it was like oh this Ai was telling me what stock to buy and what happens there I'm not sure if it's doing that part of it yet. So I need to research this and we can come back to it next week um but they did have the tool available beforehand before they launched it.

Marcy Nuelle
Yeah, you.

Um, and it provided like real time advice and things like that. So we'll see how how deep it gets it also says it lack human biases which is cool. So it's supposed to take away the human emotion and should be purely data in fact, driven. Um, so I'm really excited about the future of this because like Marcy was saying at the beginning.

Marcy Nuelle

Marcy Nuelle

Marcy Nuelle

They ran a ai against a human um within like stock trading and did research on that and the Ai was able to get a 500 % return so for folks to understand like what that means normal returns over a period like most people say ah app you can expect the average return of 6 to 10% depending on what have you in 10 years that thing got 500 % in a few months so it is likely going to change a few things. Um like think about wealth think about the current systems that already are using.

Marcy Nuelle
Question about.

Some type of Ai to understand when something's when to trade things and et cetera or some type of machine learning to know when to trade so stock market has been using these advanced tools for a very long time not to this level. So it's gonna be interesting to see all the data that's happening in the background and then what happens when ai tool is empowering all that data. And then at what point are we all just overly optimized and then is going against each other like I'm just thinking about like if there multiple Ai is giving it advice. How does it actually work in the end of it. So yeah, that's very interesting to me I would love to keep talking about it in the coming weeks. So.

Marcy Nuelle
Um, yeah, yeah, That's ah man it's man I'm speechless to be honest, um, that looks like it could be extremely Helpful. You know to make lots of Money. So I think we would all love that.

I Yes I'm like if you get in on it now you may be all right? But then what happens when well maybe everyone doesn't get in on it right? because no technology everyone everyone gets on in on and so so I was thinking like at what point is it too efficient that everyone is either. Neutral making money because everything is fighting against itself and eventually the whole system is just going back and forth with each other. So then you flatline So That's what I'm thinking versus now a few people will have and a few people are gonna benefit off of it which let me go get a web get sign up for this tour of click. Okay.

Marcy Nuelle
Yeah, yeah.

Marcy Nuelle
Yeah, and the very last update that we have for today is that Baidu which is a chinese company. They released their earning bot to the public now they've been working on it for a long time. But now. Well I don't know how much cheering yet because you do have to sign up and I don't know if if they allow people from other countries to sign up for it I have to go look that up I haven't ah signed up for it yet. Um, so it might be interesting for us. It might not be because I don't know we have access. But it is something for you to be aware of to check it out. Um, we do want to talk more about um, for example, Ai tools from different countries. Um I'm going to make and another video. Um, for example, there's a major company like alibaba has their model ah company which is called model scope.

Oh yeah.

Marcy Nuelle
And they now I think it's like at 700 models um that they have as far as Ai tools and so yeah, they pretty much have everything um, everything that you could think of is there. So.

Um, oh wow, It's really good.


Marcy Nuelle
That one is available to the Us you can sign up with a us phone number so you can't access some pages you may have to like translate to English but for the most part It's easily. It's easy to translate. So um I use it all the time I Love it. Um.

Okay, cool.

Marcy Nuelle
So that is a great tool. So yeah, definitely check out ah Baidu with the erniebot and I mean there are so many I don't want to mention all the other tools that they have coming out. But yeah, that's pretty much all of the updates that we have for this week and then I'll try to go through some of these. And then create an actual walkthrough so that you guys can see it on my channel on Youtube. So yeah, are there any other topics that you want to talk about.

No I just want you you to let everyone know you're gonna start doing Ai daily news. Can you tell us about that.

Marcy Nuelle
oh yes oh I just been doing it for the last think what 2 3 days I've been trying to post daily. Um, because I said every week we have so many you know different topics that we're cutting out. Um so I was like I don't want to keep missing out because by the end of the week


So many? yeah.

Marcy Nuelle
At that rate I'm missing out on like 50 to sixty topics that I haven't shared with you guys. So I'm gonna start posting at least you know between 5 to 10 on on my channel Youtube Marcy Noelle and then you guys can say okay, now we're kind of caught up.

Oh yeah, master. Um.

Marcy Nuelle
And then we do more of a commentary where we explain more of our views our perspectives on it and then we kind of go back and forth and and try to ask the questions that you guys wonder yourself? Um, as far as what are other people thinking you know what? how can I use this product in my life I know Amber told me, um.


Marcy Nuelle
That we want to discuss more about that is not just about the technical aspects but hey let us not only educate you to other resources. But let's try to foreshadow questions that you guys may have so that you can learn how to actually use this in your personal life.


Totally agree. The other thing I did want to call out is there is a conference next week in DC it's called voice and a I September fifth through seventh. Um in Washington d c I think this is the Washington Hilton the website is voice and Ai.

Marcy Nuelle
You can I give.

I should be speaking on a panel there Thursday at 1215 with James Barrd or Jim Barrettt hopefully some others will be there. We'll be talking about the future of work in Ai so please make sure to check it out. Um, if you're available to come openai a few companies that are on the the list openai Nvidia microsoft Google veritan. Are supposed to be there and a whole bunch of companies and speakers will be there from different companies like Adam Goldberg from openai um folks from ah Shaala. Um payaga from ah Nvidia. It's just a whole bunch of different people going to be there in the building so please make sure you come and check it out again. The website is voice and Ai other than that this is um, your go to girlss for at Ai Marcy noel and am ivy make sure you please subscribe to both for our channels. We're gonna keep doing this. We're gonna keep talking about these topics. And it's gonna get even more interesting. So make sure you stay tuned I will see y'll soon have a long weekend just so you know we actually are recording this on the right week that we say it is have a long a weekend and enjoy your labor day. Peace.