AI Decodes the System

ChatGPT Decoded - AI vs Human Writing: Who wins?

Amber Ivey (AI) Season 2 Episode 27

On this episode of AI: Decodes the System, host Amber Ivey (AI) decodes the powerful AI tool ChatGPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer).

ChatGPT is a language model developed by OpenAI that has been trained on a massive dataset of text, allowing it to generate human-like responses to a wide range of prompts. AI talks about the benefits of ChatGPT such as its ability to generate high-quality, human-like text, making it perfect for tasks such as customer service and content creation, its ability to process and summarize large amounts of data, and its easy integration into a variety of applications. 

She also mentions the disadvantages of ChatGPT such as the risk of it being used to generate fake or misleading content, the need for human oversight to ensure accuracy and ethics, and the fact that it may contain biases that reflect those in the dataset. AI explains how to use ChatGPT by visiting the OpenAI website and trying out the interactive demo or integrating the API into own applications.

She concludes by highlighting the potential of ChatGPT to revolutionize industries such as customer service, content creation, healthcare, and education, and encourages listeners to try out the technology for themselves.

Also check out information about Microsoft using ChatGPT. 

Microsoft announces new multibillion-dollar investment in ChatGPT-maker OpenAI

AI tools mentioned during the episode:
Open AI

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Due to the popularity around ai and mainstream media over the last few months we're going to continue to talk about some of the latest advancements in artificial intelligence and how they impact our daily lives Today. We'll be discussing one of the most exciting and powerful Ai tools on the market. You all know what it is if you didn't read the title to this podcast I'm sure you've heard about this technology all of the the news. Everyone's been talking about it. Schools have been banning. It has been a little bit of a frenzy but the tool is called chat gp chat gp or generative pre-trained transformer is a language model. Developed by openai I one of the things I love about openai. They've done things around Ai artists which include dolly and dolly to those are tools you can use today and go try them out a lot of folks were talking about those about a month ago when they were hitting the media as well. So make sure you check it out but chat. But Openai has also created tools like chat gp they also have technology. Um, that's called Gpt 3 and hopefully gp t 4 in the future. But you've heard of gp t three because ah the ai that is trained on my voice if you all remember a few episodes. Um, back as well as ah episode I can't think is episode 9 and season 1 where I talked to the creator of Claire which is the first ai of color I believe ai woman of color I believe and she's actually trained on my voice The interesting thing is she uses g p t 3 technology which is very similar to chat gp.

But it allows you to actually type in a question to her and then she responds using my voice since she's been training my voice. The interesting thing is and I've said this before I've never said any of the things that claraire has said um. I've actually undergone training where I've done like a few hours of training for her so she can say things in my voice and I think the most updated version of Clara uses only 30 seconds from a podcast episode to literally recreate my voice almost perfectly. You would not be able to tell us not me. But for knowing that. Um, the voice of this Ai or one of the voices of this ai the other interesting thing about chat gbt before we get into it I believe it uses chat excuse me I believe it uses gp t two so it'll be very interesting. Um, unless it got to upgrade in the last um version which I think came out. Early in December and it moves to chat gp 3 right now. It's on chat gp 2 but it's gonna be very interesting to see what it does with chat gp three. It's gonna be very interesting to see what it does with chat gp 3 and then they're building chat gp t 4 which is supposed to x like literally times the amount of data that's being used. At a level that we can only imagine so these are things I'm very excited about but let me get back to what the heck this thing chat gbt is how it works and all that good stuff and the pros and cons of it. So chat Gp has been trained on a massive data set of text this allows it to generate human responses to why range are prompts.

And when I say massive I mean massive. It's the amount of data that we never could process as humans only these supercomputers and advanced computers can do this which is making ai even more exciting that it super computers are around and can process a lot of data but chat Gb can be used for a variety of tasks such as test. Text completion um translation and even creative writing it's a powerful tool that can save time and increase efficiency in many industries I'm very excited for the world of Ai and humans coming together. y'all heard me said it before and I'm going to say it until my last breath or nevermind I was going to go dark for a second but let me come back. But Anyho so um, the cool thing about chat gbt is that is based on a type of neural network which is called a transformer. Let me everyone so what is all the stuff I just. Said mean like what the heck is a generative pre-trained transformer. What does that mean chat gbt is based on a type of neural network called a transformer now. It's composed of encoder and a decoder just think about the simple ways to think about encoding and decoding so the encoder takes an input. Sequence so such as a sentence or some type of prompt and then it converts that into a set of Hidden States the decoder then generates an output sequence such as a response or a completion of whatever the input is that you put in the key to the model's ability to generate high quality text is the pre-training step which to me is.

Part I Love before can it even generate responses chat Gbt is trained on a massive when I see massive I mean massive data set of text allowing us to understand the patterns and structure of human language when it's given a new input. It uses its understanding of all that data and all the analysis done on that data to generate us. Response That's similar to human text if you haven't played out with it if you haven't played around with it. You should because it's very close to a human you can even ask it to talk in a certain tone of voice um talk like a certain actor or wherever or a person or or to immulate someone. You going to ask it to do certain formats like it's pretty advanced even if you're a coder. My boyfriend uses for this like to look at your coat to see if there's any errors in it and to improve that The crazy part is all this stuff is what makes chat Gb So powerful. It can generate new text that is similar to human written text. But also keep in mind that it can also replicate any biases that exists and the data set was trained on I'll talk a little bit more about that in the Future. But remember if you put bad data in you're going to get bad data out of it. They call it garbage in garbage out in the industry but the whole point is you want as clean, a data set as possible to make sure you have the best results on the other End. So I Want to talk a little bit about the benefits. One of the major benefits of chat be one of the major benefits of chat Gp is its ability to generate high quality human like text this makes it perfect for tasks such as customer service and content creation. It can also be used in areas. Um.

Such as research where it can quickly process and summarize large mindset data like right now humans have to do that imagine if you could take and save time by helping by having these ai technologies help you analyze all that data and give you um, whatever it is the outcome of of your research. Additionally chat gp is easy to use and can be integrated into a variety of applications. Additionally chat gpc is easy to use and can be integrated into a variety of applications making it versatile making it a versatile tool for businesses and individuals alike their api is open you and I can use it. You can literally take it and apply it to your chat bot or another app that you've created is pretty cool. The benefits and how they're literally making this tool open for folks to use people have already started creating apps around it. They're all over the app store. But there's so much that you can do with this There are disadvantages as well. Um, one is the risk of being used to generate fake or misleading content. Let me repeat that again. Fake or misleading content because of all these tools exploding everywhere. We have to be more diligent when it comes to fake news and even with things around deep fakes and all that were Ais creating images of people pictures texts. Shoot one ai ai uses my voice if it calls you you could think it's me so there's a lot of things that can go wrong with this technology so we definitely got to be diligent and ensure that these technologies still require humans. They still require human oversight to ensure that the output is accurate and ethical.

Also on the level of accuracy I know for me when I use chat gpc sometimes it's wrong and it gets information wrong because I know what I'm asking it. You can prompt it again and it can get it right or push it in the right direction but humans need to oversee these tools before we use them in a way that can actually um, impact lives right? so. Because it was trained on a large data set of texts. Um, we just need to think about what comes with that and also what's in that data set of text that it was trained on. For example, if it's trained on bias text or text that is against a certain population or a certain language ended up in there. It could put out bad things on the other end. The beauty though about Ai is that you can actually train it to identify bias and um, different types of issues. So it can remove it out of the data set humans is a little bit harder to remove bias from all of us. But you can do it to a technology um by training the model and testing the model and retraining the model. So to use chat bt like how do you use chat gbt like I want to get involved with it. You want to try it out to use chat gp so I know you're asking. How do I actually use chat gbt so there are apps. The app is not the actual. Um. Website. So I personally use chat gpt by visiting Openai's website and I use their interactive demo there. You can literally go on their website and just click on it And'll let you sign up, you can also integrate the Api into your own applications and experiment with different inputs.

And outputs that's up to you but remember it's important to understand that potential is important to understand but remember but remember it's important to understand the potential of the technology and its limitations before you use it in any real world applications this is still new. This is still learning. This is still developing. It's amazing. It's exciting. But. Remember technology and and Ai or excuse me remember technology and humans should stay close on this one all right? So chat gp is already being used in a variety of industries today. So for example in the field of customer service companies are using it to automate responses to common customer inquiries. This also frees up human agents to handle more complex issues. So imagine if you're chatting with a chat bot and it has its fueled by chat gbt. It can probably do it way more than your normal and chat bot is dealing with and then when it taps out it can send you so a human I would much rather use chat gpc. Any other chat bot I've personally used but that's up to you and the area of content creation is being used to generate product descriptions headlines even entire articles and hell podcasts show notes are easier now. Um. Writing a summary of something you do is so much easier now using chat gpc I know I use it for a lot of different applications the other area we talked about a little a little bit earlier is in the field of research is being used to analyze and summarize large amounts of data like you can literally eat the system so much data and get analysis. Even for those who are trying it out.

It can summarize pretty serious concepts in really easy language. So make sure you try that out. There's something you don't understand of course come to my podcast they hear about different topic. But if I don't talk about the topic go to chat gbt and it can help you summarize things in easy and digestible format. And the other thing I want to point out is in the field of creative writing I know a lot of people are nervous about what do books look like in the future or stories chat gbc is being used to generate new ideas and even entire stories even before chat gbt came out. There's multiple Ai websites out there that use Ai to write. Content for people and it's already search engine optimized so it's easy for folks to find on search so that's been going on for a little bit of time but Chad gbt and my opinione takes it to a whole no level. The possibilities are endless and as the technology continues to improve. We can expect to see even more innovation. And even more innovative uses for chat gbt in the future. The potential of chat chat gbt is so vast like as the technology continues to improve it could revolutionize seriously industries such as customer service and content creation. It can also be used in field such as health care and education to process and analyze large amounts of data. This is the area where I am honestly most excited about if you listen to episode 25 where I had a conversation with Dr Shapala who is the writer of can we trust Ai we've talked about his experience and how he's been in Hisville for.

Over 30 years how Ai has been around for over sixty years but because of super computerers and stronger computers that can run like bigger volumes of data. We're now seeing its true potential and what that means for health care and education like imagine a healthcare system where you're no longer going to. A doctor who has to basically rely on your you stating your symptoms rely on a quick review your chart to give you a diagnostic or diagnostics diagnosis excuse me. They literally can work with Ai to scan your. Blood work to scan all the data around you as a person to scan your medical history and then to tell the doctor based on the analysis of that data. What the treatment plan should be I would much rather have that as a person who lives with Msi had to discover my Ms. because I pushed my doctor I was pointing out things and showing them that. My blood work wasn't coming out right? like I had to do that imagine if I had an Ai working alongside my doctor to identify all my symptoms and also look at all my data to begin to tell me what should be a treatment plan for me the same thing with um education. I know that Dr Chapella said his moonshot was that we will have 1 teacher and 30 teacher 30 virtual teachers in the room with students to help them get get to where they need to be in reality teachers focus on the middle of the pack often. The students who are behind and the students are to advance.

Kind of get left out or you hope they get pushed to another grade if they advance and you hope they get the right support through a iep um, if they're behind but in reality we know that teachers cannot do that. So what if you had an ai or virtual teacher that could help a student where they are. Meet them where they are and guide them on a plan that is individualistic and for them I am I prefer a world where Ai is working with me and helping make everyone's lives easier versus this world where we think ai um, is gonna take over everything I know there's of course a lot of concerns about what Ai could. Do and what could happen what jobs like those are real um, real concerns. That's why we had to be very diligent about this and we have that people who are doing Ai research and who are thinking about the ethical use cases of Ai and ensuring that they're doing what they need to do the 1 thing I like about openai is that they have. Researchers working on this one of my friends or now has become my friend did a podcast um a brahm has been sitting on the working group to help think about tools like chat gbt 3 and he's a man of color who's thinking about these topics. So I think it's just very important for us to get diligent around the use case of them and to push the industry. Continue to think about what could happen as relates to jobs I believe that ai in humans are going to work together very well in the future and back to the question that the podcast title ask which one's better ai versus humans I think we're better together and if we do this in the right way and if folks really understand the benefit of it.

We don't think about banning this in schools and actually teach students how to use it and how to really grow. Um from this tool we can literally create. We can literally free up so much of our minds to get even more creative and to be our highest and best selves the other area I'm very interested in for chat gbt is in the legal system. So in a criminal justice system. Everyone is guaranteed a lawyer because um, you're likely to lose your freedoms and and life and your liberty so they give you a lawyer in the civil legal system. They don't guarantee you a lawyer so you're left on your own to deal with traffic cases divorce. Child custody cases eviction cases all these issues that can really impact your life and mess some stuff up. You're not giving a lawyer unless you can afford 1 so imagine where you use a tool like chat gp to be able to get legal information or legal help I know I was working on a project in my past. Um. Of my past work where we were trying to help ah create legal assistance portals where people could go online and put in plain issues that they were dealing with and then the system would identify if there's a legal issue associated with it for example, but saying oh my landlord is trying to kick me out of my house that could trigger something in in the realm of evictions. Or if someone's talking about how their husband and them are arguing and they're possibly can lead to divorce that couldtro will trigger legal issues around divorce child custody. Um and all these other issues. But there's nothing out there right now that exists if you Google a legal issue on Google you're screwed like you're not getting help. So.

1 thing that's coming up soon. Is there. There's going to be an ai lawyer through the organization do not pay they deal with um mediation with different like civil legal claims where they have an ai lawyer that's going to actually do a case with a human. So the human and the ai lawyer are going to go to court. Ai lawyers going to listen to everything that's happening in the courtroom and then help to provide potential legal advice and steps and um answers for the person they give to help them with their case and if if you know anything about the civil legal system whether it's traffic court eviction court and or housing court. Or divorce court or any court you're dealing with is hard to deal it because you don't know what to do. You're not a lawyer right? You weren't trained to be a lawyer I went to school for 4 years to be ah to be a lawyer. You didn't do that but they expect you to go through the system by yourself. Chad Gbt and other technologies can help with that I'm really excited to see what happens with this ai lawyer I'll probably do a podcast on it in the future once the case happens I think it happens in February but either way if y'all don't know like I am all here for Ai and I'm all here for Ai and humans working together to make things easier and to make life better for people. Even folks are talking about how chat gbt can be used or people who have um who are from low economic backgrounds and who need support like folks have been showing you prompts you can put in to find out where there's food resources where other resources are for you because it can literally scan um, all the data that it has from 21.

2021 and be and before that to give you up to date information and to give you potentially um answers to help you with your problem I know I said a lot today I'm jumping off my soapbox to Rob at the show. But thanks you so much for tuning in to today's episode of Ai de go to system. I hope you've learned more about the exciting and powerful tool that is chat gp try it out for yourself. Um, visit the open a I website and play around with the interactive demo as always be sure to listen to our podcast for more news on data technology po policy and law also I'm digging in more to Ai so make sure you stay tuned. Until next time I'm amber ivy a k a a I and you been listening to ai deco the system y'all have a good day.