AI Decodes the System

AI Artists Decoded: AI is storming the art world with Lensa App and Dall-e, but what does this mean for humans?

Amber Ivey (AI) Season 2 Episode 24

On this episode of AI: Decodes the System, AI does a solo episode where she decodes the topic of AI artist. You may have heard a lot of buzz around Lensa and Dall-e and the rise of AI artist. If you want AI to decode a topic, please send an email to   

A lot of you have been using the Lensa app or Dall-e and are a little interested in learning more about AI artists. So, I wanted to do a quick episode to discuss the pros, cons, and privacy concerns of what folks call AI artists. So here we go. Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize the field of art, opening up new possibilities for creation and expression. However, the use of AI in the arts also raises a number of important questions and concerns. Here are some of the pros and cons of an AI artist:


  1. AI artists can create unique and original works that may not be possible with traditional methods. For example, an AI artist may be able to generate completely new styles or forms of art that have never been seen before.
  2. AI artists can create art faster and more efficiently than human artists. This can be especially useful for projects that require a large amount of art to be produced in a short amount of time, such as video games or animated films.
  3. AI artists can create art that is more consistent and accurate than human artists. For example, an AI artist may be able to generate realistic images or animations with greater consistency than a human artist, who may be prone to mistakes or variations in quality.


  1. AI artists may lack the human touch and emotional depth that many people value in art. Some people argue that art is a deeply personal and human experience, and that works created by AI may lack the emotional depth and meaning that human artists are able to convey.
  2. AI artists may replace or compete with human artists, leading to job loss and financial hardship for some artists. While AI artists may be able to create art more efficiently and cheaply than human artists, this could lead to a reduction in demand for human artists and potentially harm their livelihoods.
  3. There are also concerns about the ethical implications of AI artists, such as the potential for AI to replicate or steal the work of human artists without proper attribution or compensation.

Overall, the use of AI in the arts has the potential to bring about significant advances and new possibilities, but it also raises a number of important questions and concerns that need to be carefully considered. Listen to the podcast to hear more.

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A lot of you have been using the lenza app or dolly and are a little interested in learning more about ai artists. So I want to do a quick episode to to discuss the pros cons and privacy concerns. So I wanted to do a quick episode to discuss the pros cons and privacy concerns of what folks call Ai artists. So here. We go artificial intelligence ai has the potential to revolutionize the field of art which will open up new possibilities for creation and expression. However, the use of Ai in the arts also raises a number of important questions and concerns here are some of the pros and cons of an Ai artist all right pros so a artist can create unique and original works that may not be possible with traditional methods. For example. And Ai artists may be able to generate completely new styles or forms of art that have never been seen before second ai artists can create art faster and more efficiently than human artists. This can be especially useful for projects that require a large amount of art. To be produced in a short amount of time such as video games or animated films I know I've used dolly and dolly can literally create a work of art in less than 15 seconds just by you a human and turn a prompt third Ai artist can create art that is more consistent and accurate than human artists.

For example, an Ai artist may be able to generate realistic images or animation with greater consistency than a human artist who may be prone to mistakes or variations in quality. So these are the pros of ai artists now what are the cons. The first con is ai artists may lack the human touch and emotional depth. That many people value in art. Some people argue that art is deeply personal and a human experience that works created by Ai some people argue that art is deeply personal and human experience and that works created by Ai may lack the emotional depth and meaning that human artists is artists. That human artists are able to convey. 1 of the things I want to talk about here is that actually if you look at some of the ai art. It can't get right? Fingers earlobes are weird if you look at more of the details. It does lack some of the human touch that we understand as humans but Ai hasn't completely figured out yet ai artists may also replace. Or compete with human artists leading to a job loss and financial hardship for some artists while ai artists may be able to create art more efficiently and cheaply to human artists this could lead to a reduction in demand for human artists and potentially harm their livelihoods like think about how many folks are probably going to use Ai art for books or.

Comic strips or other things that they can quickly create where they do not have to hire an artist so that could be um, a area where folks could um, actually lose their jobs. So that's something to think about lastly under cons. There are also concerns about the ethical implications of ai artists such as the potential for ai to replicate or steal the work of human artists. Without proper ah attribution or compensation I know this is something a lot of folks have been talking about online being a little concerned that ai will steal pieces of other artists work and not um, give attribution correctly, that's actually something a smart contracts and fts can actually help with but we'll talk about that on another episode. Overall the use of Ai in the arts has the potential to bring about significant advances and even new possibilities. But it also raises a number of important questions and concerns that need to be carefully considered. For example, there are several privacy concerns that may arise in connection with Ai artists data collection y'all know I'm big on data. Um, with. Which it for example, 1 is data collection. y'all know I'm big on data so ai artists may collect and use large amounts of data in order to learn and create art. This data may include your personal identifiable information such as photographs or other types of media that individuals have shared online. This data may include your personal information such as photographs or other types of media. The individuals have shared online. There are also concerns about how this data may be used and whether it is being handled and protected properly. This is a big concern that folks are talking about when it comes to ai artists in the data space.

Also data sharing Ai artists may share the data they collect with third parties. It's actually in the contract you all sign when you're filling out your terms and conditions so they can share it with folks like data brokers or other organizations this can raise concerns about how the data is being used and whether individuals have sufficient control over their personal. Personal information I actually posted a post on Facebook about this a couple maybe a week ago about how the lensa app literally you sign over your rights to using that data and it has the ability to share with others to 1 train the algorithm as well as ensure that they are um. I'll allow to through you checking off the terms and conditions allow to share your data. You can delete it from the database and delete your metadata. But and that's another conversation I'll have to say about that is read your terms and conditions. So you know what data you're giving up the next area is data security. There's a risk of data collect. There's a risk that data collected and used by Ai artists may be vulnerable to security breaches or unauthorized access. This could lead to exposure of personal identifiable information or the misuse of data mainly because a lot of these apps are going up pretty quick. They're pretty new so that is a concern that you may have. Another area is data retention so ai artists may retain data for long periods of time which raises concerns about the potential for the data to be accessed or used in ways that individuals did not anticipate or consent to so imagine if your data is sent on database for a long time. It gets sold or something else happens and you didn't agree to that.

There are potential. Um, this potential fear for what happens to your data if they're retaining the data for a long time anytime you have a data sharing agreement. It should have a term limit on it because you don't want folks to use your data in perpetuity. But either way read the terms and condition before using ai artists. So overall, it's important for Ai artists to be transparent about their data collection and use practices and to take steps to protect the privacy of individuals whose data they collect and use and honestly folks I have a confession about this podcast spoiler alert I use Ai to create the words for this podcast at least 80% of the words. At points I interjected my own experience but I wanted you all to hear what is happening with Ai in particular I use the chat gp December fifteen version which is a free research preview of chat gp 3 excuse me of chat gp t. Isn't that crazy so most of these words were not created by me the beginning was and a few interjecting words throughout the podcast but I use these 2 prompts to create. Ah this podcast first. The first prompt was create a article about the pros and cons of a I artists. And the second front was creating an article about the privacy issues surrounding ai artists so literally an ai wrote the entire transcript for me to come on and do a podcast their concerns about that. But there are also wins with that imagine the amount of time humans will be able to get back when we actually work.

With Ai and work together whether you're Ai artist or a podcaster or a book writer. There's a scary frontier coming or a um frontier this actually exciting you got to decide but either way I hope this podcast opens your eyes to how much ai will be integrated with humans in the future. Whether Ai artists or Ai for other uses get comfortable Ai isn't going anywhere.